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Exclusive Territory Of Agency In Foreign Country


This agreement has been entered into by [name of manufacturer], of [address of manufacturer], called the manufacturer, and [name of agent], of [address of agent], called the agent.

The agent proposes to spend a majority of [his or her] time in the [specify foreign territory].

The agent will be the sole exclusive representative for the sale of all products produced for the territory mentioned above.

This agreement will remain valid for a period of [number of years valid] years and is contingent upon the following provisions: If the agent proves to be successful this agreement will be renewed for a period of [number of years for renewal] years. However, if the agent does not prove to be successful at the end of [probation period in years] from the date of this contract, the manufacturer reserves the right to terminate this agreement. This agreement can be terminated by either party with one years written notice.

The manufacturer will provide quotations at the standard list price and provide a further discount from these quotations of [discount given to agent]%.

Due to the fact that the manufacturer already has certain customers in both [territory], and also has established export houses in both [location] who purchase their [products] from the manufacturer and ship it to the territory above, this agreement will in no way affect the relationship that currently exists with those customers.

The manufacturer will compensate the agent with a commission of [Percent commission]% when a sale is made to any of the present customers of the manufacturer.

If the agent sells direct, they agree to give manufacturer proper shipping instructions, and partial payment or references. When the [product] is ready to ship, the customer must deposit the remaining dollar amount in a reliable bank as approved by the manufacturer.

All quotations are valid for a period of [number of months quotations are valid] months.

The agent further agrees not to sell any related products in the specified territory that are produced by another company. The agent will also [any other related terms such as due diligence in the promotion of products]

The manufacturer will cooperate with the agent as stated in this agreement by furnishing [catalogs, drawings, blueprints, specifications or any other reasonable supplies] and other information about [machinery/products].

Signature Date

Signature Date